**event canceled** The contribution of the french thought to Democracy and Liberalism

Days of Francophonie, 2023
28 March 2023, 16:00 
103 Webb Building, TAU 
**event canceled** The contribution of the french thought to Democracy and Liberalism
Tuesday, 28.3.2023 16:00-18:00
Room 103, Webb Building, TAU

opening remarks
Georges Diener, cultural consultant and director of the French Institute in Israel
Thierry Peltreau, French Language Attaché at the French Institute in Israel

Prof. Nadine Kuperty-Tsur (Head of the Daniel S. Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies,
Head of the Program for French Culture, Tel Aviv University):
The thought of Montesquieu (the spirit of the laws)
and the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (the social contract) .

Prof. Denis Charbit (Department of Political Science, Open University): 
From majority democracy to liberal democracy: the contribution of Alexis de Tocqueville.

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