The Morris E. Curiel Institute for European Studies
The European heritage is a major aspect of Israeli civilization: approximately half of Israel’s population is of European origin and the State of Israel has an explicit Western orientation. A large number of scholars at Tel Aviv University are concerned in their research and teaching with topics relevant to European history and culture. The Morris E. Curiel Institute serves as a pivot for cooperation among these scholars, and promotes the study of European civilization in its different aspects — history, philosophy, literature and arts — as they developed within Europe’s national states as well as within the supra-national frameworks of the European Union.
History of the Institute:
The Morris E. Curiel Center for International Studies was established in Tel Aviv University in 1993, as an interdisciplinary institute of the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Law Faculty, focusing on international developments and their impact on domestic issues in Israel. The founder and first director of the Center was Professor Shlomo Ben-Ami. His successors as directors of the Center were Professors Eli Barnavi, Gabriel Gorodetsky and Yitzhak Ben-Israel.
In 2004 the name of the Center was changed to the Morris E. Curiel Institute for European Studies and its focus shifted to European history and culture as well as to the relations between European states and the State of Israel. The Morris E. Curiel Institute for European Studies now operates within the S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies. The Institute’s first director was Prof. Miriam Eliav-Feldon. From September 2014 to Janaury 2002, is Prof. Tamar Herzig held this position, and its current director is Dr. Naama Cohen Hanegbi.